Thursday, April 2, 2009

Orange Mallobet

I've decided to share with you all another recipe from the Grunow Refrigeration Recipe book. Unfortunately for me, the front cover has completely fallen off, but I am sure that the recipes still work! For today's recipe, I've decided to share with all how to make Orange Mallobet, 1930s style. Now, before I read this recipe, I wasn't quite sure what Mallobet was, so a google search was necessary. According to the Food Resource Glossary at Oregon State University, mallobet is "a frozen dessert, on the order of a sherbet containing marshmallows." Sounds interesting, doesn't it?

Orange Mallobet
20 marshmallows
1 1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup egg whites
1/4 cup water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons sugar
Orange coloring if desired


This first part is a little bit confusing for me, so I'll type it out exactly as the recipe calls for. I hope that you understand it better than I do!

"Put the marshmallows over hot water with the water and 3/4 cup of the orange juice; add 2 tablespoons of sugar, and set aside until slightly jellied. Add remaining sugar to egg whites and whip stiff. Combine as directed above and freeze without stirring"

If you would like more information about Grunow please check out my earlier blog post here- Grunow Refrigeration Recipe Book

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